As flower farmers, growing cosmos are are an absolute must. They are easy to grow, they provide colorful blooms throughout the majority of the growing season, and they are a great filler flower for bouquets.
But what about the double-click variety of cosmos? Before I tell you my opinion, take a look at these two photos. The top one is your typical cosmos and the bottom one is the double-click cosmos? Note that we grow both types on our flower farm.
Typical Cosmos
Double-Click Cosmos

As you can see, they almost look like two entirely different flowers. While the typical cosmos provides that typical flower look, the double-click variety brings a whole other level of visual stimulation. The double-clicks add texture that almost seem to provide movement to each petal. And from our experience, when you clustered the double-clicks together in a bouquet they surely make a real statement. Instead of being a filler flower, these types of cosmos become a focal flower in a bouquet.
So which variety should you be growing? It's simple, both. As stated at the beginning, cosmos are easy to grow, and double-click cosmos is no different. Each variety is a must for any flower growing. But just remember that even many avid flower growers have never grown or even encountered the double-click variety. So by growing double clicks, you will surely make heads turn.